
Blazor .NET 8 Server-side Rendering (SSR)

Blazor .NET 8 offers several rendering options, including Server-side Rendering (SSR). SSR allows the initial rendering of a Blazor application to be performed on the server before being sent to the client. This approach provides benefits such as improved performance, SEO-friendliness, and better accessibility.

In Blazor .NET 8, there are two main ways to implement SSR: Global SSR with Prerendering and Per Page/Component SSR with Prerendering.

Enable Global Rendering

Global SSR with Prerendering involves rendering the entire application on the server and sending the pre-rendered HTML to the client. This approach is suitable for applications where the content is mostly static and doesn’t require frequent updates. It ensures that the initial page load is fast and provides a good user experience.


<HeadOutlet @rendermode="@InteractiveServer" />
<Routes @rendermode="@InteractiveServer" />

In the code snippet above, we have two components: HeadOutlet and Routes. These components are responsible for rendering the head section and routing in the application, respectively. The @rendermode attribute is set to @InteractiveServer, which enables SSR and prerendering.

Enable Global Rendering without Prerendering


<HeadOutlet @rendermode="new InteractiveServerRenderMode(prerender: false)" />
<Routes @rendermode="new InteractiveServerRenderMode(prerender: false)" />

To enable global rendering without prerendering, we set the rendermode parameter of both components to an instance of InteractiveServerRenderMode with the prerender parameter set to false. This instructs the components to skip the prerendering process and perform rendering on the server dynamically.

By disabling prerendering, the application will be fully rendered on the server and sent to the client as HTML. The client-side JavaScript and WebAssembly code will still be loaded and executed, but the initial HTML content will be available immediately, providing a faster initial load time.

Enable per Page/Component Rendering

Per Page/Component SSR with Prerendering allows you to selectively choose which pages or components should be pre-rendered on the server. This approach is useful when you have dynamic content that needs to be updated frequently. By pre-rendering specific pages or components, you can strike a balance between performance and dynamic content updates.


<HeadOutlet />
<Routes />

The <HeadOutlet /> component is responsible for rendering the <head> section of the HTML document. It is required for client-side rendering.


@page "/counter"
@rendermode InteractiveServer
Enable per Page/Component Rendering without Prerendering


@page "/counter"
@rendermode @(new InteractiveServerRenderMode(prerender: false))

In the above code snippet, we have a Blazor page with the route /counter. By setting @rendermode @(new InteractiveServerRenderMode(prerender: false)), we disable prerendering for this specific page. This means that the page will be rendered on the server and sent to the client without any prerendering.

Enable per Page/Component Rendering with StreamRendering

StreamRendering attribute in Blazor, is available in Blazor with .NET 8 and allows us to optimize the rendering process by rendering components or pages individually instead of rendering the entire application.


@page "/weather"
@attribute [StreamRendering]

Enabling per page/component rendering using the StreamRendering attribute in Blazor with .NET 8 can greatly improve the performance of your application. By rendering only the necessary components or pages when there is a state change, you can optimize the rendering process and provide a smoother user experience.

Enable AUTO Rendering

Blazor .NET 8 also provides an AUTO rendering option, which automatically determines the appropriate rendering mode based on the client’s capabilities. This allows the application to adapt to different scenarios, providing the best possible experience for each user. Automatic (Auto) rendering determines how to render the component at runtime.


@page "/autorenderpage"
@rendermode InteractiveAuto

In the code snippet above, we define a Blazor page with the @page directive, specifying the URL route for the page. The @rendermode directive is used to set the render mode to InteractiveAuto, enabling auto rendering for the page.

Rendering by the Path


 <HeadOutlet @rendermode="@RenderModeForPage" />
<Routes @rendermode="@RenderModeForPage" />
@code {
	private HttpContext HttpContext { get; set; } = default!;

	private static IComponentRenderMode InteractiveServerWithoutPrerendering = new InteractiveServerRenderMode(prerender: false);

	// change render mode according to Path
	private IComponentRenderMode? RenderModeForPage => HttpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/Account") ? null : InteractiveServer;

the HeadOutlet component and the Routes component are rendered based on the RenderModeForPage property. The RenderModeForPage property is determined by the current path of the HTTP request. If the path starts with “/Account”, the render mode is set to null, which means the default render mode will be used.


  • The default render mode is Static.
  • The default prerender mode is True.
  • The default StreamRendering attribute parameter is True.
  • Can not switch to a different interactive render mode in a child component.
